

Many of us have been deceived. Our cultures teach us that real power is instantly demonstrable. Our notion of power is shaped by quick military victories, by bombs exploding, by sports teams winning in two hours, by business people getting things done no matter how many people they use up as they advance themselves. Then…

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The Unseen 1/4

I was recently in a large church. Posted in the back of the church was a large map of the world listing all the workers they supported. All but one worked in North and South America, Europe, Central and South Africa, and Australia. That one exception worked in the Muslim world. Did you know that…

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Being inclusive is not easy

In our passport countries our churches have a particular way of interpreting Scripture, a certain style of worship, and a particular organizational model. The characteristics that make our church or our denomination distinct are important to us. One of the outcomes of this distinctiveness is that we are given the luxury to be, at least…

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Advent 2013: How are we waiting? (Matthew 1)

Christmas is coming. On December 1st we entered the Advent season. Advent is a Latin word and means coming. This is the time in the church calendar when we intentionally remember Jesus’ first coming and anticipate His second coming. The theme for the first week of Advent is typically “Waiting.” Therefore, we want to ask ourselves: How are…

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