Reflections of a Global Disciple

A New Year Resolution to Adopt and Pursue

2016 is beginning and many of us are thinking about what we are going to accomplish this year. I have got a good New Year Resolution we could all adopt. Yet, how we achieve it may look different for each one of us. What leads me to this suggestion is that I’ve been thinking about love…

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The Syrian Refugee Crisis

Many are wondering how our governments should respond to the refugee crisis. After the Paris attacks there is a growing fear of the possibility of acts of terror in our cities. This has caused some to feel like we should enhance our security by closing our borders to the Syrian refugees. The following post contains the thoughts of…

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Many of us have been deceived. Our cultures teach us that real power is instantly demonstrable. Our notion of power is shaped by quick military victories, by bombs exploding, by sports teams winning in two hours, by business people getting things done no matter how many people they use up as they advance themselves. Then…

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Why do we work where we do?

We in Interserve live and work in restricted access countries, areas of the world that are somewhat unstable in comparison to the USA. This causes us to live in areas where there is a potentially higher level of risk with regard to our personal safety than we would have here. Why then do we choose…

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Building Community: Don't Judge (Matt. 7:1-12)

One of our core values in Interserve is building community. Building community in a fallen world with fallen people is sometimes challenging. People (not us of course) are not perfect. Well, Jesus understood the challenges we face and he wanted us to know what steps to take so we can build healthy communities. Jesus tells us about some of…

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