Arab World

Go with God

From then a combination of nudges from the Holy Spirit doors opening providentially perceiving an alignment of my spiritual gifts and personality with potential roles and a deep desire to serve God and to invest my life in significant ways led me to cross-cultural service.

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So am I called or not

Gods call is to be a particular kind of person. This is where we should start to look for His call the practical will unfold as we remain faithful and obedient.

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Jonahs Tree

Here is a noisy place. Kids cars donkeys horns calls to prayer. But I arrived home to an unfamiliar noise last month and went to investigate. I followed it all the way to my balcony and discovered that I was hearing the noise of a chainsaw doing its work on my flame trees. And they were due to bloom in two weeks

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Do Muslim women need saving

Saving Muslim women has been one of the justifications behind military economic and social interventions in Afghanistan Iraq Syria Egypt Tunisia Pakistan and many other countries where women live under Islam.

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Pressing on toward the goal

An Interserve Partner and football coach reflects on his role: shaping young players into people who can receive apply and spread love and grace in every aspect of life.

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