Projects list
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Audio & Video Ministry for Song-Oriented People Group
Region: Asia
Enter project code: 415314
Due to strong cultural barriers, the native people of this region aren't receptive to messages in the form of speeches or sermons. They are long accustomed to being taught by their religious leaders through song and would much rather listen to someone sing all night than listen to a sermon.
Because of this, our staff in this region have developed a means of communicating with the local people through song and dance, providing a much more relatable way of hearing the story of Christ.
This project includes:
- Developing indigenous music, audio, visual and written resources to be used by the local believers for outreach and mentoring.
- Working with local believers to develop, print and introduce appropriate Christian customs and rituals in the local language, to be used at major life events to help believers be a witness and strengthened in their faith.
- Training and send teams to do outreach to surrounding villages, using indigenous music, dance, drama and video.
- Training 50 part-time contract workers and their wives to work in a total of 150 villages doing spiritual outreach and mentoring using the story-telling method, as well as health training, village development and at times disaster management and relief.
Due to limited audio-visual resources, our teams have more invitations to villages than they can accept.
Financial support for this project will provide:
- Production of a high-quality album of 10 songs in one of the local languages - $5000 total ($500 per song)
- Production of songs for spiritual wedding, baby naming, or dance - $2000 total ($200 per song)
- Additional audio/visual team member - $1500 a year ($125 a month)
- Outreach Team visit to a village to share through song or dance - $75
Providing Hope to Drug-Addicted Community
Region: Asia
Enter project code: 506400
A particular region in Asia has a rampant drug problem affecting impoverished communities that have limited job opportunities.
In one village of 70 families, more than 30 families have one or more people addicted to crystal meth. This problem has been looming for over 12 years and many of the locals are discouraged.
One of the goals of this project is to keep the next generation of youth out of drug addiction and into productive adulthood. By providing basic educational needs and a safe space to kids, they'll see the benefit of walking a drug-free path rather than follow in the steps of the previous generation.
This program will provide the following for kids:
- Kids club and English lessons school children ages 6-12
- English study group for teens
- Stock of toys and equipment for all ages
- Duplo blocks and train set
- Playground equipment, including trampoline and swings
We have all ages of kids and teens at our safe place community center for both formal events and informal hang out times. We also have connections to drug addiction recovery and post-recovery vocational programs. We hope to partially sponsor any addicts who want to change.
Financial support for this project will provide:
- Community events assistant/ESL teacher for youth program - $600-800 per month
- Playground equipment and toys for the youth center
- Drug rehab sponsorships - $500 per participant to a 1 year program
- Community events and drug prevention workshops
- Computers, printers, and accessories along with electricity and maintenance costs for computer literacy classes for teens and unemployed adults
- Training and development for vocational opportunities
Meeting the Needs of the Persecuted Church
Region: Central Asia
Enter project code: 546554
Many believers around the world are suffering without the rest of the Church even noticing.
After 18 years of serving on the field, these project leaders recognize how overwhelming the needs of local believers can be, and are dedicated to helping them with their most basic needs. As members of the body of Christ, we are called to help carry each other’s burdens as participants in the lives of our friends and neighbors. This projects helps carry that load and show the persecuted church that their struggles are also our struggles.
This project supports unexpected emergency needs for believers in this region, including medical needs, fines from persecution, birth of children, food, and clothing. It also helps local believers serve their needy neighbors, widows, and elderly with food and medicine.
Financial support for this project will provide:
Relieving financial strain of low-income believers and pastors who serve without salary
Book Translation and Social Work for Remote Community
Region: Central Asia
Enter project code: 515278
This project focuses on the spiritual growth and maturity in local congregations, as well as character growth and family renewal for parents and marriages.
Project services include:
- Translating and printing books focusing on inner healing and positive relationship skills
- Mentoring congregational leaders in spiritual maturity and how to use project books for small group study
- Training congregational lay counselors and secular social workers in personal growth and professional counseling skills
- Teaching character development for teens and parenting skills for parents, teachers, and social workers in remote countryside areas.
Financial support for this project will provide:
- Paper for printing translated books - $1025 per month
- Fuel for seminar travel - $325 per month
- Rent for classroom teaching - $62 per month
- Salary for oral and written translators - $900 per month
- Salary for experienced seminar teachers - $570 per month
Professional Healing for Deep Emotional and Physical Trauma
Region: Middle East
Enter project code: 567375
It has been said that trauma is the mission field of the 21st century. Our staff members in the Middle East tending to those who’ve experienced various kinds of hardship are a testament to that statement.
Trauma, whether from fleeing a war-torn country or from years of physical and emotional abuse, often creates defensive barriers that make it difficult to hear and respond to the good news of Christ.
Our staff in the Middle East are working to provide a holistic approach to trauma healing, with the goal of softening the guard of trauma victims so they can eventually respond authentically and ethically to a relationship with Jesus.
By building trust and learning to listen from a place of safety, the truth of who Christ is can genuinely be manifested in their hearts.
Our staff leading this project are providing workshops and one-on-one sessions with trained professionals for anyone in need of healing from past trauma.
By supporting this project, trauma victims will receive the following services:
- One-on-one session of Somatic Experiencing, a trauma healing modality used by licensed therapists, teachers, doctors, physical therapists, and other professionals who treat trauma victims
- Expressive arts workshops for women with a trained art therapist and trauma professional
- Informal support for third-culture kids and families
- Trauma-informed spiritual direction
Essential Medical Care for Refugee Women
Region: Middle East
Enter project code: 588980
This project is devoted to providing free medical services to more than 20,000 refugees in an Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp in the Middle East. These families have been displaced for nearly nine years, and most are unable to return to their villages due to destroyed homes and infrastructure (water, power, schools) and lack of safety due to ongoing conflict with continuing periods of escalation.
Unemployment, poverty, and hopelessness are issues for a majority of the families in the camp and nearly all of the individuals to whom we provide service. Many different cultural, social, and financial issues impact health in this region, including specific ongoing stress due to the recent history of significant trauma related to war, genocide, kidnapping of family members, and community displacement.
The Medical Center offers:
- Family medicine clinical services with ongoing access to advice for established patients via phone - 2 days a week
- Specialized outpatient obstetrics and gynecology care with daily phone assistance for advice and care - 2 day a week
- Nursing services including health education/health improvement classes - 1 day a week
- Back Care to reduce chronic back pain and injury
- Childhood Nutrition to educate families on issues with highly processes junk foods and how to encourage good nutrition in children
- Weight Management to discuss what is a healthy weight and how to manage weight through healthy choices
- Specialist midwife care for low-risk pregnancy - 1 day a week
- Counseling services - 1 day a week
Financial support for this project will provide:
- Medication for patients that cannot afford them
- Financial assistance with the cost of laboratory tests or necessary specialist care for those who are unable to do so
- Funds for hiring a local nurses to expand health promotion classes
- The continuation of the medical clinic